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Die Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen

Herttel Pyrprew

This image, and several others from the same collection, give a good idea of ​​the brewing profession in the late Middle Ages.

You might think you are in an abbey, but they are not monks! We have here in fact men belonging to one of the so-called "twelve brothers" charity institutions established in Nüremberg at the beginning of the 15th century. This institution was not an abbey although it was established on a concept of Christian charity.

This image is taken from the Nüremberg Library website

Fritz Praisslinger

This is how the Mendel family, at the origin of one of these institutions, had reserved it for 12 elderly men, having the citizenship of Nürnberg, sick but not helpless, and no longer able to provide for their needs by their own work. (12 alte, kranke, aber nicht bettlägerige Männer, welche das Nürnberger Bürgerrecht besaßen und sich mit eigener Arbeit nicht mehr ernähren konnten.).


The members of the local clergy were considered too materialistic and insufficiently charitable ... and were kept away.

This image is taken from the Nüremberg Library website

Hans frank

The Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderbücher, literally "the books of the Twelve Brothers of Nuremberg," constitute a chronicle covering the end of the 14th all the way to the beginning of the 19th century. From 1425/26, a register was set up to identify the members of the institution.

This image is taken from the Nüremberg Library website

Jorg Prewmaister

Each brother is represented in full page at the work in his shop or place of profession, accompanied by his surname, first name and any information that the brother communicated.


Sometimes the brother is given as the name of his profession (Prewmaister = Braumeister = Master brewer).

This image is taken from the Nüremberg Library website

Clas Speyman

Hundreds of illustrations thus feature different trades of the House of the Twelve Brothers, but also of the various other charitable institutions in Nuremberg.


It is a work of exceptional historical interest.

This image is taken from the Nüremberg Library website

© Copyright Cyril Pagniez
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