Authentic Trappist Product

Designation of origin.
With monastic life rousing the imagination of many producers, the AIT strictly ensures that the name Trappist® is not used improperly.
While all Trappist abbeys have the exclusive right to use the Trappist® name, members of the International Trappist Association (AIT) can request to benefit from another name: the Authentic Trappist Product (ATP) label. The ATP label not only guarantees the monastic origin of the Trappist® products that bear it, but also that they have been manufactured in full compliance with the specifications drawn up by the AIT. The label is awarded for a period of 5 years.
The criteria applicable to products bearing the ATP label are as follows:
They are made on the site of, or near, the monastery.
The monastic community is involved in the management of all the means necessary for operation. This must clearly reflect both an indisputable bond of subordination with the beneficiary monastery and membership in the corporate culture specific to the project of monastic life.
Most of the income provides for the needs of the community and for social work.
More details can be found on the AIT website.